To create a mobile base to support the launch the android Nokia X platform to “app” developers across Europe in a functional, high tech, classic Rouetmaster bus.
We designed the Routemaster to travel at 4m high so travel in Europe was unrestricted, worked with Nokia’s creative agency to provide an on brand mobile environment with robust web access across all 7 countries visited. We provided 2 drivers and 1 event manager to provide a seamless service in managing the passage through alpine countries in winter months without incident. The Bus Business also provided a support vehicle that followed the bus across Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, England.
App developers across Europe were impressed and grateful for Nokia to reach out to them in such a creative way to show them new hardwear and software.
Grama Film: We needed a company that could come on board and deliver a huge European roadshow for the Nokia X platform for “App” developers to build apps for windows phones. Seeing what these guys can do made us confident we could deliver a great result for Nokia. The whole team at The Bus Business go the extra mile to deliver on every level.